Hsieh is really a leading Taiwanese architect who for more than ten years has used his talents in rural areas decimated by natural disaster. Hsieh works throughout Asia, training villagers to construct in your area appropriate houses in reaction to devastation like the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the 1999 Nantou earthquake, and also the 2009 Morakot storm in Taiwan. Through Hsieh's hands-on education process, villagers rebuild their very own community foundation, knowing they'll reside in structures with greater safety, structural integrity, and sustainability.
There have been two additional awards introduced, each worth Ten Dollars,000:
Atelier d'Architecture Autog�r�e (Urban Tactics) is really a collective of designers, designers and social researchers who transform urban spaces through collaborative endeavors. Located in Paris and founded by Romanian designers Constatin Petcou and Doina Petrescu in 2001, AAA is becoming an electric train engine for engaging people in shaping their very own metropolitan areas through building, farming, and artistic intervention. AAA functions like a creative instigator, strengthening local towns to handle and sustain their very own suggestions for urban regrowth.
FrontlineSMS was founded working in london by Ken Banks in 2005 make it possible for effective communications channels for towns within the third world. FrontlineSMS harnesses the ubiquity of cell phones and familiarity of text texting to show an offline laptop right into a communication hub. The easy innovation enables villagers, aid agencies, and news services to switch information easily among groups.
The Jury: Alejandro Echeverri, Medellin's former director of urban projects along with a CSDP champion, Mohsen Mostafavi, Dean of Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cynthia Cruz, Curator of Socially Responsible Design in the Cooper- Hewitt, National Design Museum, and High cliff Curry, co-Founder, Curry Stone Design Prize.
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